Based on 1 Timothy 2:1, which encourages petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving for all people, DIP Nation is founded on the pillars of Prayer and Intercession. We are supported by a dedicated team of faithful intercessors who commit to praying for the ministry and its leadership every Sunday at 10am before the service, as well as on any occasion they are needed. This team is led by Prophetess Verna Solomon, with Pastor Crystal Morris serving as the assistant leader.
Our intercessory ministry arm extends support through prayer, intercession, and spiritual warfare for leaders and ministries beyond DIP Nation. Guided by a vision to undergird other ministry leaders with prayer and intercession until their ministries are successfully launched, we also focus on the training of intercessors to ensure comprehensive coverage for their ministries and leaders. This approach aligns with Ephesians 6:18, which emphasizes the importance of continuous prayer and supplication in the Spirit for all saints.
The team is led by Pastor/Prophetess Rhonda Simmons. Ministry leaders or intercessors in need of assistance can reach out to our ministry. Upon contact, a leader will provide you with guidelines and outline the responsibilities of the intercessor assigned to you. Our process begins with an initial assessment to determine the level of intercession or coverage needed, typically starting with a three-month period or until noticeable results are achieved.